Wives In Prayer groups have been active since around 1995.  Until very recently, we have not tracked the formation and schedule of these groups.  However, it is on our wish list of things to do.

If you would like to start your own group, it is very simple.  Please tailor the format of your group to fit the needs and style of your leadership.  If you are looking for suggestions, here is how we created the first Wives In Prayer groups back in 1995.

First, each meeting lasts one hour, and includes four elements:

1. Worship. The women open with three praise songs to help them focus on Christ and a specific attribute of his character, such as “Counselor.”

2. Confession. They ask God to forgive them for any sin that would hinder them from having their prayers answered. The women realize God needs to work in their lives before he can be free to work in their husbands’ lives.

3. Thanksgiving. They thank God for answered prayer and for what he continues to do in their husbands’ lives.

4. Intercession. They pray Scripture for their husbands with a particular focus, such as growing strong in their faith.

“In John 15:7, Jesus tells us that if we remain in him and his words remain in us, we will receive what we ask for,” says Tami. “Praying Scripture aligns our prayers with what God desires for our husbands and for our marriages. We insert our husband’s name in the verse and pray it back to God. This makes our prayers more personal and powerful.”

For example, using Jeremiah 29:11 as the basis for a prayer, Tami might say: “God, I pray that you would bless Dan and prosper him. I thank you that the plans you have for my husband are for good, not for evil, to give him hope and a future.”

Finally, the women pray in their own words for a specific need for their husbands. These requests stay within the group. They might include prayers for safety while traveling, guidance and help in meeting a deadline at work, or strength and wisdom for decisions regarding aging parents.

To order the 52 week Wives In Prayer guide – please use the PayPal button on the right.  Once we receive the message that a purchase has been made, we will generally ship the guides out within two business days using priority mail.

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